I drew the same as before. Instead of paper, I used laser plates that are lithography plates that are thin enough to be fed into a printer. I used to work in traditional stone lithography. But these plates are portable and can be printed with my etching press. The ball point pen or permanent markers deposited grease onto this water-loving litho -plate. I simply took the plates back to my studio and printed using the lithographic process. People ask me why I work this way. But the advantage is that the lithography plate provides a matrix that can be used in countless ways. I can also print a lithograph in any color and am not limited to black. Experimentation is my delight. In these prints, I combined lithography with the monotype process. The linear part of the image is the lithograph while the colored areas of the print is a monotype. Hence it is called a litho-monoprint. Because of the varied use of color, these are variable editions, (VE). Can you find another print with the same matrix?