Once upon a time, I had a finished basement with furniture and beds..a family recreational area.
A PIPE BURST...water damage COMPLETE..everything what did I do?
REBUILD A NEW STUDIO OF that gave me a large area to print, paint and draw; and one that I teach workshops in intaglio, monotype, lithography and drawing and painting. I am indebted to James Stroud, a wonderful master printmaker who installed my 2000 lb. printing press.
When my daughter was young and needed me at home, I used to do Freelance Graphic Design work. When I moved to Cape Cod I taught at Cape Cod Community College all the course offerings. Also Graphic Design. From time to time I do work for friends or associates, but it is time consuming and takes me away from my painting and printmaking. However I am sharing with you the saga of this brochure which was just completed for Printmakers of Cape Cod. It will be available at all of their exhibitions starting with the current exhibition at the Cotuit Art Center in celebration of their 45 years as an organization of printmakers. Hope you get to see the exhibition: “Environs and Beyond”.
Finally Completed
9”x16” open gate brochure with my print